Visual impairment

If you have a visual impairment that can't be corrected by glasses or medical treatment, you may be able to get help from us. 

Some visual impairment may relate to macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes, retinitis pigmentosa, hemianopia, cataracts.

You can come to us through referrals from local and national hospitals, but anyone can self-refer if they are experiencing difficulties with their vision.

After an assessment, and if you are eligible, we can offer a rehabilitation plan tailored to meet your needs. This may include:

  • instruction on how to complete daily living tasks such as cooking, making drinks, using the telephone, and writing
  • mobility training to complete local routes independently
  • appropriate specialist equipment
  • sign posting to local and national vision impairment services

We aim to provide specialist knowledge and support to ensure that people understand their eye condition, regain confidence and independence, and are aware of other services available to them.

How to get help from us

For initial advice and information, or to make a referral, please contact:

The Visual Impairment Team
Bedford Borough Council
Borough Hall
Bedford MK42 9AP

Tel:  01234 718318