Specialist support

Get information, advice and support for:

Older people can get advice and support on matters such as housing, paying for care and improving your quality of life.

Dementia and Alzheimer's support is out there for those living with a diagnosis and those caring for people with dementia and Alzheimer's.

Occupational therapy is practical support and help with your ability to do everyday tasks.

Learning disabilities support comes from our specialist team who can guide you to get help at home or to find work.

Supported employment increases the ability to find a job and keep it for those people with a learning disability.

Mental health is supported by various methods including early intervention, outreach, crisis help, community support.

Deaf and hearing impaired help is through our specialist team, a needs assessment or advice about specialist hearing equipment.

Visual impairment that can't be corrected by glasses or medical treatment is supported by our specialist team who can give an assessment and a plan of support if needed.

Physical disability help is available to help you live safely and independently.

End of life care is support for people who are approaching death. It helps them to live as well as possible until they die, and to die with dignity. 

Advocacy overview RPR
Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (PDF)