Appeal hearing regarding the former nursery, New Road, Great Barford

Appeal hearing regarding The former nursery, New Road, Great Barford, Bedford, MK44 3LH.

Appeal by Mr Albert Llaveshi against an Enforcement Notice issued by Bedford Borough Council.


Site at the former nursery, New Road, Great Barford, Bedford, MK44 3LH

Planning Inspectorate (PINS) ref: APP/K0235/C/21/3279088

Bedford Borough Council enforcement ref: 20/00086/UNAUTHU

Bedford Borough Council appeal ref: 21/00055/ENFNOT

Bedford Borough Council issued an Enforcement Notice on 16 June 2021.

Mr Albert Llaveshi (the appellant) has appealed to the Secretary of State MHCLG against the Council’s decision.

The appeal will be heard at a Hearing on a date to be decided.

Appeal documents

Access the documents associated with the appeal here.

New documents will be updated as soon as possible, but not immediately.

If the document you need has not yet been updated please email