Appeal hearing at Stevington Riding Club, Dane Hill Farm, Stevington

Appeal by Mr and Mrs Bobby and Selina Foster against the decision of Bedford Borough Council to refuse planning permission for the change of use of land for stationing of mobile home and touring caravan including foul drainage for one Gypsy family for residential occupation.


At Stevington Riding Club, Dane Hill Farm, Silver Street, Stevington, Bedfordshire, MK43 7QW

Planning Inspectorate (PINS) ref: APP/K0235/W/21/3268247

Bedford Borough Council application ref: 20/00373/COU

Bedford Borough Council appeal ref: 21/00005/REF

Bedford Borough Council refused to grant planning permission for the development on 3 August 2020.

Mr and Mrs Bobby and Selina Foster (the appellants) have appealed to the Secretary of State MHCLG against the Council’s decision.

The appeal will be heard at a hearing beginning at 10am on 23 November 2022 at Council Chambers, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP. It is scheduled to last one day.

Appeal documents

Access the documents associated with the appeal here.

New documents will be updated as soon as possible, but not immediately.

If the document you need has not yet been updated please email

View the planning application plans being considered at this appeal here.