Other data sources

If you have not found the information you need on our pages, there are a number of other sources that may help you.

Open Data

The Open Data programme includes a range of summary data for Bedford Borough. This covers housing, finance, wellbeing, and deprivation. It also provides links to many other related datasets.


Nomis includes 2011 Census data and information about the local labour market and economy, If you choose the Area Reports option you can generate a labour market profile for the Borough and for wards.

Nomis also includes reports for local areas, such as a parish, ward, village or town. Simply type a Postcode or area name in to the text box to search and generate reports.

Health Profiles 

Health Profiles from Public Health England includes the latest health statistics for Bedford Borough.

If you are unable to find the information you need, please contact: intelligence@bedford.gov.uk